his far north there is only a narrow window of time for cranes to breed successfully, especially for those what fly even farther to breed, as some of those that fly even farther to breed, as some of those wintering in mexico do in siberia. If late in arriving, they waste their effort of migrating the thousands of kilometers north. if they are too early. snow and ice cover all food sources. In what way do these sentences help develop a central idea in the passage

These sentences help develop the central idea in the passage by highlighting the challenges and limitations faced by cranes in their breeding season in the far north. The sentences emphasize the narrow window of time available for successful breeding, the consequences of arriving late or too early, and the potential obstacles of snow and ice cover. Overall, this information underlines the importance of timing and conditions for the breeding success of cranes in northern regions.

The sentences you provided help develop the central idea that cranes face specific challenges and constraints during their breeding season in the far north. The passage highlights two crucial factors that affect the successful breeding of cranes in this region: the narrow window of time available and the impact of timing on their ability to find sufficient food sources.

First, the passage mentions that there is only a narrow window of time for cranes to breed successfully. This conveys the idea that cranes have a limited timeframe to complete their breeding activities in the far north. This suggests that time is of the essence for cranes, emphasizing the importance of arriving at the breeding grounds on time.

The passage further explains that if cranes arrive late, they waste their effort of migrating thousands of kilometers north. This implies that cranes rely on their precise timing to embark on their long and arduous journey. By emphasizing the potential consequences of a late arrival, the passage underscores the critical nature of arriving at the breeding grounds within the narrow window of time available.

Similarly, the passage highlights that if cranes are too early, their food sources are covered by snow and ice. This suggests that cranes must also time their arrival well to ensure the availability of food resources for themselves and their offspring during the breeding season. The mention of snow and ice covering food sources further underscores the specific challenges that cranes face in securing sufficient nourishment for breeding success.

In summary, these sentences develop the central idea by emphasizing the importance of timing for cranes during their breeding season in the far north. They illustrate the constraints and challenges cranes face, including a narrow window of time for breeding and the need to synchronize their arrival with the availability of food sources.

These sentences help develop the central idea in the passage by emphasizing the critical timing that cranes face when breeding in the far north. They highlight the narrow window of time available for successful breeding and the challenges that cranes encounter if they are late or early in their migration. By discussing the potential wasted effort and lack of food sources, the sentences emphasize the importance of timing for the successful breeding of cranes in their northern habitats.