What is the purpose of an introduction?

To tell a story related to the main topic of a text

To summarize the idea of a text

To state the goals and purpose of the text

Provide evidence that supports the central argument of a text

What is the correct answer?

The correct answer is:

To state the goals and purpose of the text

The correct answer is:

To state the goals and purpose of the text

The correct answer is: To state the goals and purpose of the text.

An introduction serves as the beginning of a text and is designed to set the tone, capture the reader's attention, and provide an overview of the main topic. One of the primary purposes of an introduction is to state the goals and purpose of the text. It helps to clarify why the text is being written and what the author intends to achieve through it.

To arrive at the correct answer to this question, it is important to analyze the options provided and evaluate which aligns most closely with the typical function of an introduction in a text. While the other answer options may play a role in some instances, they are not the primary purpose of an introduction.