which of the following best describes land ownership policies during the royal period? A land ownership was very limited to prevent the establishment of printer class

The given statement does not correctly describe land ownership policies during the royal period. Instead, land ownership during this time was often concentrated within the hands of the nobility and the monarchy. The majority of the population did not have the rights to own land, and land ownership was highly restricted and controlled by the ruling class.

During the royal period, land ownership policies were characterized by limited ownership to prevent the establishment of a powerful land-owning class.

To determine which of the following options best describes land ownership policies during the royal period, you can examine historical sources, such as books or articles, that discuss this period in depth. These sources should provide detailed information on land ownership policies during the royal period. By analyzing multiple sources and comparing the information they provide, you can identify the option that aligns with the most widely accepted view among historians.

Some sources you can consult include:

1. History books: Look for textbooks or scholarly works that cover the specific time period you are interested in, such as books on medieval or early modern history. These books often discuss land ownership policies and their implications.

2. Academic journals: Scholarly articles published in reputable history or social science journals can also provide valuable insights into land ownership policies during the royal period. These articles are written by experts in the field and are often based on rigorous research.

3. Primary sources: Primary sources are original documents or records from the time period being studied. These could include royal decrees, legal texts, census data, or personal accounts. Examining primary sources can provide direct evidence of land ownership policies during the royal period.

By considering information from reliable sources and cross-referencing them, you can form an informed understanding of land ownership policies during the royal period and determine which option best describes them.