Jim’s music library on his phone holds 1,900 songs. The songs have an average of 3.5 minutes. Use scientific notation to find the total number of seconds the playlist will play. Express the answer to the exact decimal point

To find the total number of seconds, we need to multiply the number of songs by the average duration of each song.

Number of songs: 1,900
Average duration per song: 3.5 minutes

Total number of seconds = Number of songs * Average duration per song (in seconds)

First, let's convert the average duration per song from minutes to seconds:
Average duration per song in seconds = 3.5 minutes * 60 seconds/minute = 210 seconds

Now we can calculate the total number of seconds the playlist will play:
Total number of seconds = 1,900 songs * 210 seconds/song

Total number of seconds = 399,000 seconds

Expressing the answer in scientific notation:
Total number of seconds = 3.99 x 10^5 seconds

To find the total number of seconds the playlist will play, we need to multiply the number of songs by the average duration in minutes and then convert it to seconds.

First, let's calculate the total duration in minutes:

Total Duration (in minutes) = Number of songs × Average duration

Total Duration (in minutes) = 1,900 songs × 3.5 minutes/song

Total Duration (in minutes) = 6,650 minutes

Now, let's convert the total duration to seconds:

1 minute = 60 seconds

Total Duration (in seconds) = Total Duration (in minutes) × 60 seconds/minute

Total Duration (in seconds) = 6,650 minutes × 60 seconds/minute

Total Duration (in seconds) = 399,000 seconds

Expressing the answer in scientific notation:

Total Duration (in seconds) = 3.99 × 10^5 seconds

To find the total number of seconds the playlist will play, we first need to calculate the total number of minutes the playlist will play and then convert it to seconds.

The total number of minutes can be found by multiplying the number of songs (1,900) by the average duration of each song (3.5 minutes):

Total number of minutes = 1,900 songs x 3.5 minutes/song

Now let's calculate this:

Total number of minutes = 6,650 minutes

Next, we'll convert the minutes to seconds. Since there are 60 seconds in one minute, we can multiply the total number of minutes by 60:

Total number of seconds = 6,650 minutes x 60 seconds/minute

Calculating this yields:

Total number of seconds = 399,000 seconds

To express this answer using scientific notation, we need to move the decimal point after the first non-zero digit (3) and multiply it by the appropriate power of 10. Since we moved the decimal point 5 places to the right, the power of 10 would be -5. Therefore, the answer in scientific notation is:

3.99 x 10^5 seconds