Lake Profondo has a depth of 84 feet lake so Ganda is 5/6 as deep. What is the elevation at the bottom of lake Saint Gando remember the elevation is below sea level account for this in your answer.

Lake Ganda is 5/6 as deep as Lake Profondo, which means it has a depth of (5/6) * 84 = 70 feet.

Since the elevation is below sea level, we need to consider this in the answer. The elevation at the bottom of Lake Saint Gando would be -70 feet.

To find the depth of lake Saint Gando, which is 5/6 as deep as Lake Profondo, we can first calculate the depth of Lake Saint Gando.

Depth of Lake Profondo = 84 feet

Depth of Lake Saint Gando = (5/6) * Depth of Lake Profondo
= (5/6) * 84 feet
= (5 * 84) / 6 feet
= 420 / 6 feet
= 70 feet

Since the elevation is below sea level, we can assume that the depth of Lake Saint Gando refers to the elevation below sea level. Therefore, the elevation at the bottom of Lake Saint Gando is 70 feet below sea level.

To find the depth of lake Saint Gando, we can use the given information that it is 5/6 as deep as lake Profondo.

Step 1: Calculate the depth of lake Saint Gando:
Depth of lake Saint Gando = (5/6) * Depth of lake Profondo

Given that the depth of lake Profondo is 84 feet, we substitute this value into the equation:
Depth of lake Saint Gando = (5/6) * 84 feet

Step 2: Simplify the equation:
Depth of lake Saint Gando = (5 * 84) / 6 feet
Depth of lake Saint Gando = 14 * 5 feet
Depth of lake Saint Gando = 70 feet

Now, the question asks for the elevation at the bottom of lake Saint Gando, accounting for the fact that elevations below sea level should be considered negative.

Since the given information does not provide us with the actual elevation above or below sea level at the bottom of lake Saint Gando, we can assume sea level as 0 feet for the sake of calculation.

Therefore, the elevation at the bottom of lake Saint Gando would be considered -70 feet (assuming 0 feet as sea level).