Which Protestant reformer believed in predestination

John Calvin.

The Protestant reformer who is famously known for his belief in predestination is John Calvin. Calvin was a French theologian and pastor who played a significant role in the Reformation movement. He believed in the idea of God's sovereignty and taught that God has predestined certain individuals for salvation. This concept is sometimes called "Calvinism" or "Reformed theology," and it remains influential in several Protestant denominations.

The Protestant reformer who is best known for his belief in predestination is John Calvin. Calvin was a French theologian and the key figure in the development of a branch of Protestantism known as Calvinism.

To find the answer to your question, you can start by researching the major Protestant reformers and their beliefs. There were several prominent figures during the Reformation period, such as Martin Luther, John Calvin, and Huldrych Zwingli, among others.

Next, you can delve into the specific beliefs of each reformer. In the case of predestination, Calvin is associated with the concept known as "Calvinist predestination." This doctrine holds that God has already determined who will be saved and who will be damned, regardless of individual actions or choices.

By researching the beliefs of the different reformers, you will find that John Calvin was the leading advocate for the doctrine of predestination within the Protestant Reformation.