what are the rhymes of the songs

I'm sorry, but I need you to provide me with specific songs in order to provide you with the rhymes of those songs. Could you please provide me with the names of the songs you would like to know the rhymes for?

To find rhymes for songs, you can follow these steps:

1. Analyze the lyrics: Read through the lyrics of the song and identify the words that you want to find rhymes for.

2. Determine the rhyme scheme: Look for patterns in the lyrics to identify the rhyme scheme. Common rhyme schemes include AABB, ABAB, ABBA, and more. This will help you understand the structure of the song and where the rhyming words should be placed.

3. Identify the ending sounds: Focus on the ending sounds of the words you want to find rhymes for. For example, if you have the word "blue," you would be looking for words that end with the same sound, such as "true," "clue," or "pursue."

4. Use a rhyming dictionary or online tools: There are various rhyming dictionaries and online tools available that can help you find words that rhyme with a specific sound or word. Simply input the word you want to find a rhyme for, and the tool will generate a list of rhyming words.

5. Play with synonyms: If you are struggling to find a direct rhyme, you can also consider using synonyms or words that have a similar meaning. This can help you maintain the flow and meaning of the lyrics while still achieving a rhyme.

Remember, finding the perfect rhyme for a song is a creative process, and sometimes you may need to experiment and try different combinations to achieve the desired effect.

To find the rhymes in a song, you can follow these steps:

1. Listen to the song: Pay attention to the words and their sounds as you listen. Take note of any words that sound similar or have a similar ending.

2. Identify the end sounds: Look for words that have the same ending syllables or sounds. Rhymes can be identical (e.g., "cat" and "hat") or have a similar sound (e.g., "ball" and "call").

3. Note the rhyme pattern: Some songs may follow a specific rhyme pattern, such as ABAB (where each line rhymes with the one before and after it), AABB (where the first two lines rhyme and the second two lines rhyme), or even more complex patterns.

4. Analyze the lyrics: Break down the lyrics line by line and identify the rhyming words. It can help to write them out if needed.

5. Focus on end rhymes: Pay particular attention to the last word of each line, as it often determines the rhyme scheme. However, sometimes internal rhymes (rhyming words within the same line or verse) may also be present.

Remember, not every song follows a strict rhyme scheme, as some may prioritize melody or storytelling over rhyming. Additionally, lyrics can also vary in their level of complexity and creativity when it comes to rhyming.