Metallic bonds are responsible for many properties of metals, such as conductivity. Why is this possible?(1 point)ResponsesAn attraction between a positive charge and a negative charge is created.An attraction between a positive charge and a negative charge is created.Metals have low electronegativity, so they are conductive because they pass charges easily.Metals have low electronegativity, so they are conductive because they pass charges easily.The bonds can shift because valence electrons are held loosely and move freely.The bonds can shift because valence electrons are held loosely and move freely.Two metals bonded together are going to be more conductive than a metal bonded with a nonmetal.

All of these responses are correct and could contribute to the conductivity of metals. The metallic bond is formed between positive metal ions and a sea of delocalized valence electrons, creating a network of positive and negative charges that allows for the easy movement of electrons and the flow of electric current. Additionally, metals usually have low electronegativity, meaning they don't strongly attract or hold onto their valence electrons, allowing them to move freely. Metal-metal bonds can also contribute to improved conductivity compared to metal-nonmetal bonds.

The bonds can shift because valence electrons are held loosely and move freely.

The correct answer is: The bonds can shift because valence electrons are held loosely and move freely.

This is possible because metallic bonds are formed between metal atoms. Metals have low electronegativity, which means they have a tendency to lose electrons rather than gain them. In a metallic bond, the valence electrons are not localized to a specific atom but instead form a "sea" of delocalized electrons that are free to move throughout the metal lattice.

Because these electrons are not tightly held by any particular atom, they can easily move and flow throughout the metal. This mobility of electrons allows metals to conduct electricity. When a potential difference is applied across a metal, the free electrons can move in response to the electric field, carrying the charge from one point to another.

Therefore, the loose and freely moving valence electrons in metallic bonds enable metals to be conductive.