Which word could replace nice to add more precision to the sentence? Mary nice plants filled the hotel lobby

Mary beautiful plants filled the hotel lobby

Which word could replace nice to add more precision to the sentence "Mary nice plants filled the hotel lobby"?

To add more precision, you could use a word such as "beautiful," "lovely," "stunning," "exquisite," or "gorgeous." These words would give a more detailed and specific description of Mary's plants in the hotel lobby.

To find a word that could replace "nice" to add more precision to the sentence "Mary nice plants filled the hotel lobby," you would want to think about the specific quality or characteristic of Mary's plants that you want to convey. Here are a few options:

1. Beautiful: Mary beautiful plants filled the hotel lobby.
2. Lush: Mary lush plants filled the hotel lobby.
3. Exquisite: Mary exquisite plants filled the hotel lobby.
4. Vibrant: Mary vibrant plants filled the hotel lobby.
5. Stunning: Mary stunning plants filled the hotel lobby.

By considering the specific impression you want to give and using a thesaurus or brainstorming related words, you can choose a word that adds more precision to the sentence.