A metal rod is placed in a hot fire. Some of the metal turns orange and becomes runny.

Which answer choice best explains what happened in this scenario?

• The particles of metal released energy into the fire and changed from the liquid to the solid state.

• The particles of metal released energy into the fire and changed from the solid to the liquid state.

• The particles of metal absorbed energy from the fire and changed from the solid to the liquid state.

• The particles of metal absorbed energy from the fire and changed from the liquid to the solid state.

The correct answer is "The particles of metal absorbed energy from the fire and changed from the solid to the liquid state." When the metal rod is placed in the hot fire, it absorbs energy from the fire, causing the particles of metal to gain enough energy to overcome the forces holding them together in a solid state. This results in the metal becoming runny or liquid.

The correct answer is: The particles of metal absorbed energy from the fire and changed from the solid to the liquid state.

The answer choice that best explains what happened in this scenario is:

• The particles of metal absorbed energy from the fire and changed from the solid to the liquid state.

When a metal rod is placed in a hot fire, it absorbs heat energy from the fire. This increase in temperature causes the particles of the metal rod to vibrate more vigorously, which weakens the metallic bonds between them. As a result, the metal particles gain enough energy to overcome the forces holding them in a solid state and transition into a liquid state. This process is known as melting. Since the metal rod turns orange and becomes runny, it indicates that the metal has melted due to the absorption of energy from the fire.