Compare the ratios 4:5 and 8:10 using the following tables. Finish the tables by filling in the missing values A and B. 4 5 A B 8 10 16 20(1 point) Missing Value A = . Missing Value B = .

To compare the ratios 4:5 and 8:10, we need to find equivalent ratios for both.

For the ratio 4:5, we can multiply both sides of the ratio by 4:
4 × 4 = 16
5 × 4 = 20

So, the ratio 4:5 is equivalent to 16:20.

For the ratio 8:10, we can simplify the ratio by dividing both sides by 2:
8 ÷ 2 = 4
10 ÷ 2 = 5

So, the ratio 8:10 is equivalent to 4:5.

Therefore, the missing value A is 16 and the missing value B is 20.

To compare the ratios 4:5 and 8:10 using the provided tables, we can complete the tables by finding the missing values A and B.

To find A, we can use the concept of equivalent ratios. If we divide both sides of the ratio 4:5 by the common factor of 4, we get the equivalent ratio 1:1.25. Therefore, the missing value A is 1.25.

To find B, we can also use the concept of equivalent ratios. If we divide both sides of the ratio 8:10 by the common factor of 2, we get the equivalent ratio 4:5. Therefore, the missing value B is 5.

Completing the tables, the final values are:
4 5 1.25 5
8 10 16 20

To compare the ratios 4:5 and 8:10, we can simplify each ratio by dividing both terms of the ratio by their greatest common divisor (GCD). This will help us find an equivalent ratio that is easier to compare.

First, let's simplify the ratio 4:5:
- The GCD of 4 and 5 is 1.
- Dividing both terms of the ratio by 1, we obtain the simplified ratio: 4/1 : 5/1, or simply 4:5.

Next, let's simplify the ratio 8:10:
- The GCD of 8 and 10 is 2.
- Dividing both terms of the ratio by 2, we obtain the simplified ratio: 8/2 : 10/2, which simplifies further to 4:5.

Now, looking at the table, we can determine the missing values A and B:

4 5 A B
8 10 16 20

Since the simplified ratios are both 4:5, we can see that A and B must be equal to 16 and 20, respectively. Hence,

Missing Value A = 16
Missing Value B = 20