What two Ancient Greek civilizations absorbed ideas from Egypt and Mesopotamia?(1 point) Responses Dorian and Minoan Dorian and Minoan Mycenaean and Dorian Mycenaean and Dorian Minoan and Mycenaean Minoan and Mycenaean Minoan and Dorian

The correct answer is Mycenaean and Minoan

The correct answer is Minoan and Mycenaean. These two Ancient Greek civilizations absorbed ideas from Egypt and Mesopotamia.

The two Ancient Greek civilizations that absorbed ideas from Egypt and Mesopotamia are the Minoan and Mycenaean civilizations.

To arrive at this answer, we need to have some background knowledge of ancient civilizations and their interactions. Egypt and Mesopotamia were two major early civilizations in Africa and the Middle East, respectively, and they had extensive trade and cultural connections with other regions.

The Minoans were an ancient civilization that flourished on the island of Crete in the Bronze Age. They were known for their advanced art, architecture, and maritime trade network. The Minoans had significant contact with Egypt, as evidenced by trade records, Egyptian artifacts found in Crete, and Egyptian-style frescoes in Minoan palaces.

The Mycenaeans were another ancient civilization that thrived on the Greek mainland during the late Bronze Age. They were heavily influenced by the Minoans and adopted many aspects of Minoan culture, including art styles and architectural techniques. The Mycenaeans also had contact with the Near East, including Mesopotamia, through trade and diplomatic relations.

Therefore, the correct answer is "Minoan and Mycenaean."