Digital signals are processed by digital circuit components or electronic components.. Analog signals are processed with mechanical components. Which statement would bolster the argument that digital transmission of data is a better choice for data transmission.

Digital transmission of data is a better choice for data transmission due to the following reasons:

1. Noise Resistance: Digital signals are less susceptible to noise interference than analog signals. Digital data can be easily encoded and decoded, allowing for error detection and correction techniques to be used. This enables the transmission of data over long distances without significant degradation, ensuring reliable data transmission.

2. Signal Quality: Digital signals provide consistent and high-quality transmission. Analog signals are prone to distortion and signal loss over long distances, leading to a degradation in signal quality. In contrast, digital signals can be sampled and reconstructed accurately, maintaining the integrity of the transmitted data.

3. Flexibility: Digital signals allow for easy integration with other digital systems and devices. They can be easily stored, manipulated, and processed by computers or electronic devices. This enables seamless compatibility and interoperability between different digital components, leading to efficient data transmission and processing.

4. Bandwidth Efficiency: Digital transmission allows for efficient utilization of available bandwidth. By employing techniques such as compression and multiplexing, digital data can be transmitted at higher speeds, maximizing the utilization of network resources.

5. Scalability: Digital transmission offers scalability in terms of data rates. As technology advances, digital systems can be easily upgraded to support higher data rates without requiring significant changes to the infrastructure. This enables seamless growth and expansion of data transmission capabilities.

Overall, digital transmission of data provides numerous advantages over analog transmission, including improved noise resistance, signal quality, flexibility, bandwidth efficiency, and scalability. These factors make digital transmission a better choice for efficient and reliable data transmission.

A statement that would bolster the argument that digital transmission of data is a better choice for data transmission is:

"Digital transmission offers higher accuracy and reliability compared to analog transmission because it is less susceptible to noise and interference. Digital signals can be regenerated and error-corrected, ensuring the integrity of the transmitted data."

To bolster the argument that digital transmission of data is a better choice for data transmission, you may consider the following statement:

"Digital transmission offers greater reliability and accuracy compared to analog transmission."


1. Reliability: Digital signals are less susceptible to noise and interference during the transmission process. The signal can be reconstructed accurately at the receiving end, as long as the noise does not exceed a certain threshold. In contrast, analog signals are more prone to degradation due to noise and can result in a loss of information.

2. Accuracy: Digital signals can represent information with a higher level of precision. Each digital signal represents discrete values (bits), allowing for precise encoding and decoding. Analog signals, on the other hand, are continuous and subject to distortion, which can lead to inaccurate transmission and reception of data.

To determine the statement that bolsters the argument, you can consider the principles behind digital and analog transmission, the characteristics of each signal type, and how these factors impact data transmission. By understanding these concepts, you can highlight the advantages of digital transmission, such as reliability and accuracy, in comparison to analog transmission.