How did Darius govern over the vast Persian empire? A. he divided the empire into provinces and appointed leader for each province. B. He banned local customs and imposed Persian ways on all people. C. he created a uniform set of laws that applied to each of his territories. D. He traveled from province to province to oversee goverment personally

The correct answer is A. He divided the empire into provinces and appointed leaders for each province.

Darius the Great, who ruled the Persian Empire from 522 to 486 BCE, implemented a system of governance known as satrapies. He divided the empire into various provinces or satrapies and appointed a satrap (governor) to oversee each province. The satraps were responsible for collecting taxes, maintaining law and order, and reporting directly to the king.

This system allowed for local administration and the preservation of regional customs and traditions. It also helped in reducing the chances of rebellion and maintaining efficient governance over such a vast empire.

Darius governed over the vast Persian empire by implementing several key strategies. One of the ways he exerted control was by dividing the empire into provinces and appointing leaders for each province (Option A). These local leaders were known as satraps, and they were responsible for managing the provinces under Darius' authority.

In order to maintain stability and ensure loyalty, Darius did not ban local customs or impose Persian ways on all people (Option B). Instead, he adopted a policy of tolerance and allowed the various regions within the empire to maintain their own traditions, languages, and religions.

Darius also created a uniform set of laws known as the "Law of Darius" or "Codex of Darius" that applied to all of his territories (Option C). These laws established a standardized legal system that helped maintain order throughout the empire.

Although Darius was an involved ruler, personally overseeing the government, it is not accurate to say that he traveled from province to province to do so (Option D). Instead, he established a system of communication and administration, utilizing a royal road, messengers, and other forms of communication to efficiently govern his empire.

Thus, the correct answer is A. He divided the empire into provinces and appointed leaders for each province.

The correct answer is A. Darius governed over the vast Persian empire by dividing it into provinces and appointing leaders for each province. This system of governance allowed for local administration, while still maintaining central control. How do we know this? To find the answer, one can refer to historical texts, such as Herodotus' "Histories," which provide accounts of the Persian Empire and its rulers. These texts help us understand the administrative structure implemented by Darius.