Why was Henry Ford able to produce an affordable car?

(1 point)

He only hired immigrants who would work for low pay.
He only hired immigrants who would work for low pay.

He used cheap parts made overseas.
He used cheap parts made overseas.

He developed a less expensive method of production.
He developed a less expensive method of production.

He allowed people to purchase new cars on credit.

He developed a less expensive method of production.

The correct answer is: He developed a less expensive method of production.

The correct answer is: He developed a less expensive method of production.

Henry Ford was able to produce an affordable car because he revolutionized the manufacturing process with the development of the assembly line. Before Ford, cars were typically produced by skilled craftsmen working on each car individually, which made the production process slow and expensive. However, Ford introduced a system where the car's components would move along a conveyor belt, and each worker would perform a specific task on the car as it passed by. This division of labor increased efficiency and decreased production time, resulting in lower costs.

By streamlining the production process, Ford was able to significantly reduce the cost of manufacturing cars. This, in turn, enabled him to offer cars at a more affordable price to the general public. Additionally, Ford paid his workers higher wages compared to other companies, which allowed them to afford the cars they were producing.

So, the key factor that made Ford able to produce an affordable car was his development of a less expensive method of production through the implementation of the assembly line.