Analyze what the Black Death was and its impact.(1 point)


It was the name given to black pearls found at the bottom of the Indian Ocean and which civilizations fought over.
It was the name given to black pearls found at the bottom of the Indian Ocean and which civilizations fought over.

It was a poison transported between people in the Indian Ocean.
It was a poison transported between people in the Indian Ocean.

It was the name of a Mongol who killed lots of people.
It was the name of a Mongol who killed lots of people.

It was a plague that travelled along the Silk Road and devastated communities and economies.

This is the correct response. The Black Death refers to a devastating plague that spread along the Silk Road during the 14th century. It caused widespread death and suffering, leading to the decline of communities and economies.

Correct answer:

It was a plague that travelled along the Silk Road and devastated communities and economies. The Black Death, also known as the Bubonic Plague, was a deadly disease that spread through Asia, Europe, and Africa during the 14th century. It was believed to originate in Central Asia and was transmitted by fleas that infested black rats. The plague caused high fever, painful swelling of lymph nodes, and ultimately led to death in most cases. It had a significant impact on society, as it resulted in the death of an estimated 75-200 million people, leading to a drastic population decline. This, in turn, led to social and economic upheaval, with labor shortages, economic decline, and changes in power dynamics. It also sparked fear and paranoia, causing some communities to become isolated and xenophobic. Overall, the Black Death had a profound and lasting impact on the affected regions.

The correct response is:

It was a plague that traveled along the Silk Road and devastated communities and economies.

The Black Death, also known as the Bubonic Plague, was a devastating epidemic that struck Europe in the 14th century. It is believed to have originated in Central Asia and was spread by fleas that lived on rats. As trade routes expanded, the disease spread along the Silk Road, leading to a widespread outbreak. The impact of the Black Death was catastrophic - it is estimated that the plague killed between 75 to 200 million people in Europe, resulting in a significant decline in population. This had a profound impact on communities, with social, economic, and cultural consequences. The loss of so many people led to labor shortages, increased wages for workers, and changes in agricultural practices. Moreover, the mass mortality caused significant disruptions to the medieval society and led to questioning of established norms and institutions. Overall, the Black Death had a long-lasting and transformative impact on Europe, shaping its history and society for centuries to come.