What is 25% of 380?(1 point)

25% of 380 is 95.

To find 25% of 380, you can multiply 380 by 0.25.

0.25 * 380 = 95

So, 25% of 380 is 95.

To calculate what 25% of 380 is, you can follow these steps:

Step 1: Convert 25% to decimal form. Percentages can be easily converted to decimals by dividing by 100. So, 25% can be converted to 0.25.

Step 2: Multiply 0.25 by 380. To find 25% of 380, you simply multiply 0.25 by 380.

Therefore, 25% of 380 is calculated as follows:

0.25 * 380 = 95.

So, 25% of 380 is 95.