what is the number 5.9*10^5 written in decimal natation?

The number 5.9*10^5 written in decimal notation is 590,000.

To write the number 5.9 * 10^5 in decimal notation, you can multiply 5.9 by 10 raised to the power of 5.

5.9 * 10^5 = 590,000

To convert a number written in scientific notation to decimal notation, you need to move the decimal point to the right or left based on the exponent.

In scientific notation, the number 5.9 × 10^5 means that you need to multiply 5.9 by 10 raised to the power of 5. To do this, you move the decimal point in 5.9 to the right by five places, resulting in 590,000. The exponent of 10 indicates how many places you move the decimal point.

Therefore, the number 5.9 × 10^5 written in decimal notation is equal to 590,000.