What is the marginal distribution for right-handed people? Dominant Hand vs. Height Short Medium Tall Total Left Handed 4 6 2 12 Right Handed 24 20 19 63 Total 28 26 21 75 (1 point) Responses 16% 16% 84% 84% 28% 28% 34.7% 34.7% 37.3%

The marginal distribution for right-handed people can be found by summing the number of right-handed people for each height category and dividing by the total number of right-handed people.

Short: 24/63 = 0.381 = 38.1%
Medium: 20/63 = 0.317 = 31.7%
Tall: 19/63 = 0.302 = 30.2%

Therefore, the marginal distribution for right-handed people is:
Short: 38.1%
Medium: 31.7%
Tall: 30.2%

To calculate the marginal distribution for right-handed people, we need to sum up the frequencies (counts) of right-handed individuals for each height category.

Short: 4 (left-handed) + 24 (right-handed) = 28
Medium: 6 (left-handed) + 20 (right-handed) = 26
Tall: 2 (left-handed) + 19 (right-handed) = 21

Now, we can calculate the percentages by dividing each count by the total count of right-handed individuals (63).

Short: 28 / 63 ≈ 0.4444 or 44.4%
Medium: 26 / 63 ≈ 0.4127 or 41.3%
Tall: 21 / 63 ≈ 0.3333 or 33.3%

Therefore, the marginal distribution for right-handed people is approximately:
Short: 44.4%
Medium: 41.3%
Tall: 33.3%

To find the marginal distribution for right-handed people in this data, we need to sum up the counts for each height category within the "Right Handed" column.

From the given data, we see that the counts for right-handed people in each height category are as follows:
- Short: 24
- Medium: 20
- Tall: 19

To calculate the percentage, we need to divide each count by the total count of right-handed people, which is given as 63 in the "Total" row of the "Right Handed" column.

Calculating the percentages for each height category:
- Short: (24 / 63) * 100 ≈ 38.1%
- Medium: (20 / 63) * 100 ≈ 31.7%
- Tall: (19 / 63) * 100 ≈ 30.2%

So, the marginal distribution for right-handed people based on height is approximately:
- Short: 38.1%
- Medium: 31.7%
- Tall: 30.2%