Identify common reasons for vague pronoun references. Select the two correct answers.(1 point)


no pronouns

no antecedents

misspelling antecedents

too many antecedents

replacing pronouns with nouns

The two correct answers are:

1. No antecedents
2. Too many antecedents

The two correct answers for common reasons for vague pronoun references are:

1. No antecedents: When the pronoun doesn't have a clear noun (antecedent) to refer to, it can create ambiguity.

2. Replacing pronouns with nouns: Instead of using pronouns to refer back to nouns, sometimes writers use nouns themselves, which can cause confusion.

To identify common reasons for vague pronoun references, you need to understand what constitutes a vague pronoun reference. A vague pronoun reference occurs when a pronoun in a sentence does not have a clear and specific noun (antecedent) that it refers to. This can lead to confusion or ambiguity in the sentence.

Based on this understanding, let's analyze the provided options:

1. No pronouns: This option does not contribute to the identification of vague pronoun references because if there are no pronouns used in a sentence, then there cannot be any pronoun references to be vague.

2. No antecedents: This option is correct. If there are no clear antecedents (nouns that the pronouns refer to) provided in the context, it can lead to a vague pronoun reference.

3. Misspelling antecedents: Although it is possible for misspelled antecedents to cause confusion, this option is not directly related to vague pronoun references. Vague pronoun references occur when there are unclear antecedents, not due to misspelling.

4. Too many antecedents: This option is correct. When there are multiple potential antecedents for a pronoun, it becomes unclear which specific noun the pronoun refers to, resulting in a vague pronoun reference.

5. Replacing pronouns with nouns: This option does not contribute to the identification of vague pronoun references. It is actually the opposite, as replacing pronouns with nouns can help clarify the referents and avoid vagueness.

Therefore, the two correct answers are:
- No antecedents.
- Too many antecedents.