4. Emma is keeping track of how many hours per day she watches television. The bar graph below shows the results.

What is the average amount of time Emma watches television each day? Round to the nearest hour.

4 hours
23 hours
2 hours
24 hours

To find the average amount of time Emma watches television each day, we need to calculate the mean of the data given in the bar graph.

By summing up the values on the graph, we have:
4 + 23 + 2 + 24 = 53 hours

Then, we divide the total by the number of data points (in this case, 4) to find the average:
53 / 4 = 13.25 hours

Rounded to the nearest hour, the average amount of time Emma watches television each day is 13 hours.

To find the average amount of time Emma watches television each day, we need to calculate the mean.

To do this, we add up the total hours she watches:

4 hours + 23 hours + 2 hours + 24 hours = 53 hours

Then, we divide the total by the number of days:

53 hours รท 4 days = 13.25 hours

Rounding to the nearest hour, the average amount of time Emma watches television each day is 13 hours.

To find the average amount of time Emma watches television each day, you need to add up the number of hours and then divide by the number of days.

In this case, you have the following amounts of hours for each day: 4 hours, 23 hours, 2 hours, and 24 hours.

To calculate the average, add up these amounts:
4 + 23 + 2 + 24 = 53

Then, divide the total number of hours by the number of days (which is 4 in this case):
53 / 4 = 13.25

Rounding to the nearest hour, the average amount of time Emma watches television each day is 13 hours.