Which statement best describes how enslaved people from Africa contributed to the culture of Puerto Rico?

• Catholicism is the main religion in Puerto Rico.
• Music such as bomba and plena are found in Puerto Rico.
• Pigeon peas are eaten during traditional holidays in Puerto Rico
• Baroque architecture is found in Puerto Rico.

Music such as bomba and plena are found in Puerto Rico.

The statement that best describes how enslaved people from Africa contributed to the culture of Puerto Rico is: "Music such as bomba and plena are found in Puerto Rico."

The statement that best describes how enslaved people from Africa contributed to the culture of Puerto Rico is: Music such as bomba and plena are found in Puerto Rico.

To get this answer, we need to understand the historical context of Puerto Rico and its cultural influences. Puerto Rico, a Caribbean island, was a colony of Spain for several centuries, starting from the early 1500s. During this time, the Spanish colonizers brought enslaved Africans to Puerto Rico to work in the sugar cane plantations and other industries.

While the enslaved Africans faced harsh conditions and tremendous suffering, they also brought with them their rich cultural traditions, which eventually became incorporated into Puerto Rican culture. One significant contribution was in the realm of music. Enslaved Africans brought their distinct rhythms, instruments, and dance styles, which eventually evolved into genres like bomba and plena. These musical forms have deep African roots and are considered staples of Puerto Rican cultural expression.

Therefore, we can conclude that the statement "Music such as bomba and plena are found in Puerto Rico" best describes how enslaved people from Africa contributed to the culture of Puerto Rico.