Which description of Sudanese culture is correct? (1 point)

• Traditional homes are made with concrete.
O Catholicism is the main religion.
• Bomba drums are used to tell current events.
• Fava beans are common throughout Sudan.

• Fava beans are common throughout Sudan.

The correct description of Sudanese culture is that bomba drums are used to tell current events.

To determine which description of Sudanese culture is correct, we can analyze each option and evaluate its accuracy:

1. Traditional homes are made with concrete: This statement is partially correct. While modern concrete homes do exist in Sudan, traditional Sudanese homes, especially in rural areas, are typically made from local materials such as mud bricks or thatch.

2. Catholicism is the main religion: This statement is incorrect. Sudan is predominantly Muslim, with over 95% of the population adhering to Islam. Catholicism is a minority religion in Sudan.

3. Bomba drums are used to tell current events: This statement is correct. Bomba drums, also known as "talking drums," are an important part of Sudanese culture. They are used to communicate various messages, including community announcements and even current events.

4. Fava beans are common throughout Sudan: This statement is correct. Fava beans, also known as broad beans, are a staple food in Sudanese cuisine and are widely consumed throughout the country.

Based on the evaluation, the correct description of Sudanese culture is "Bomba drums are used to tell current events" and "Fava beans are common throughout Sudan."