Justine has been diagnosed with aids what does this most likely mean for Justine?

1.She received a vaccine for aids that was ineffective

2.She previously had human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)

3.her parents passed on the genes to Justine that cause aids

4.Her symptoms include parthesia, meningitis, and paralysis

The correct answer is 2. She previously had human immunodeficiency virus (HIV).

AIDS (Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome) is a condition that develops when someone with HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus) becomes severely immunocompromised. HIV is a virus that attacks and destroys immune cells, making it difficult for the body to fight off infections and diseases. Justine being diagnosed with AIDS most likely means that she had contracted HIV and her condition has progressed to a severe level. The symptoms mentioned in option 4 are associated with advanced stages of AIDS, but they alone do not specifically indicate that Justine has AIDS.

Cody's mom has heart disease. What can MOST likely be predicted about Cody's health?

1. Cody will definitely have heart disease.
2.Cody will have the same chance of heart disease as everyone else.
3. Cody will have a higher likelihood of heart disease than everyone else.
4.Cody will have no risk of having heart disease.

The most likely answer is 3. Cody will have a higher likelihood of heart disease than everyone else.

Heart disease can have a genetic component, meaning that individuals with a family history, like Cody's mom having heart disease, may have an increased risk of developing the condition themselves. However, it does not guarantee that Cody will definitely have heart disease (option 1), nor does it mean that Cody will have the same chance as everyone else (option 2). Option 4, stating that Cody will have no risk of having heart disease, is unlikely considering the genetic link. Therefore, option 3, Cody having a higher likelihood of heart disease than everyone else, is the most probable prediction.

Helena is supposed to write a report on a communicable disease. What is the MOST appropriate

topic for her to choose?

2. cystic fibrosis
3. diabetes
4. Hepatitis C

The most appropriate topic for Helena to choose for her report on a communicable disease would be 4. Hepatitis C.

A communicable disease is one that can be transmitted from person to person or through other modes of transmission. Hepatitis C is a viral infection that primarily spreads through contact with infected blood, such as sharing needles or receiving blood transfusions with infected blood. It is considered a communicable disease as it can be passed on from person to person.

On the other hand, asthma, cystic fibrosis, and diabetes are not communicable diseases. Asthma is a chronic respiratory condition, cystic fibrosis is a genetic disorder affecting the lungs and other organs, and diabetes is a metabolic disorder related to blood sugar levels. While they are important topics to study, they do not fit the criterion of being communicable diseases.

The doctor says that Lydia's baby has a disorder caused by one single gene. What does the baby

MOST likely have?

1. arthritis
2. cystic fibrosis
3. heart disease
4. diabetes

The baby most likely has 2. cystic fibrosis.

Cystic fibrosis is a genetic disorder caused by a mutation in a single gene called the cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) gene. This mutation affects the production and function of a protein that regulates the movement of salt and fluids in and out of cells. It results in the production of thick and sticky mucus in various organs, particularly the lungs and digestive system.

Arthritis, heart disease, and diabetes can have genetic components, but they are not primarily caused by a single gene disorder like cystic fibrosis. Therefore, option 2, cystic fibrosis, is the most likely disorder that the baby has based on the given information.

Sam is writing a report on asthma and allergies. What is the MOST accurate way to categorize

these two ailments?

1.These are mental health disorders.
2. These are single gene inherited disorders.
3.These are communicable diseases.
4.These are chronic conditions.

The most accurate way to categorize asthma and allergies is 4. These are chronic conditions.

Asthma and allergies are both chronic conditions that can persist over a long period of time. They are not mental health disorders (option 1), as they primarily involve the respiratory system and immune system. They are also not single gene inherited disorders (option 2), as they can have complex genetic and environmental factors. Furthermore, they are not communicable diseases (option 3), as they are not transmitted from person to person.

Chronic conditions, on the other hand, refer to ongoing health conditions that often require long-term management and treatment. Asthma is a chronic respiratory condition characterized by airway inflammation and bronchial constriction, while allergies involve an exaggerated immune response to certain substances. Therefore, option 4 - these are chronic conditions - is the most accurate way to categorize asthma and allergies.

Bernie is giving a talk on heredity at a health seminar. What is MOST likely to be one of Bernie's

titles for the presentation slides?

1. Predicting Personal Traits Based on Family Genes
2. Using Vaccines to Prevent Communicable Diseases
3. Increasing Access to Health Care for the Good of All
4. Helping Others Deal with Grief and Loss