Which of the following problems would best be solved by a computer?

(1 point)

finding the shortest flight path for an airplane

finding the shortest flight path for an airplane

finding the best way to end poverty

finding the best way to end poverty

finding the most relaxing vacation

finding the most relaxing vacation

finding the most attractive sweater

finding the most attractive sweater

finding the shortest flight path for an airplane

Juan plans on using an algorithm to make cookies. What is the step that he should follow immediately after he makes the cookies?

(1 point)

be sure that he has read the directions properly

be sure that he has read the directions properly

clean everything up

clean everything up

review his experience

review his experience

decide what to bake next

clean everything up

Why are computers better than humans at solving a problem like finding the shortest route between ten different cities?

(1 point)

Computers use code instead of plain English.

Computers use code instead of plain English.

Computers are not distracted by social media.

Computers are not distracted by social media.

Computers can test thousands of possible routes in seconds.

Computers can test thousands of possible routes in seconds.

Computers have access to more precise maps.

Computers can test thousands of possible routes in seconds.

Which of the following is the most general description of what computers do?

(1 point)

They record information

They record information

They solve problems

They solve problems

They do math

They do math

They convert data

They solve problems