​​Which is the best definition of scale, as it is used in maps?​(1 point)

​​a measurement of distance, most usually in miles​
​​a measurement of distance, most usually in miles​

​the relationship between a real-world distance and how it is represented on the map
​the relationship between a real-world distance and how it is represented on the map

​​a horizontal bar showing units of distance​
​​a horizontal bar showing units of distance​

​​the difference between how a distance appears to human eyes and how it is measured​

the relationship between a real-world distance and how it is represented on the map

The best definition of scale, as it is used in maps, is the relationship between a real-world distance and how it is represented on the map.

The best definition of scale, as it is used in maps, is:

"The relationship between a real-world distance and how it is represented on the map."

To understand scale on a map, you need to grasp the concept of a ratio. Scale is often represented on maps using a ratio or a fraction. It indicates how much the distances on the map have been reduced in relation to the actual distances on the ground. For example, a scale of 1:100,000 means that one unit of measurement on the map represents 100,000 units of measurement in the real world.

In simpler terms, scale helps you understand the size and proportion of features on a map compared to their actual size in the real world.