Why was the Senate given the power of advice and consent?(1 point) Responses The Framers wanted the Senate to be able to run criminal background checks on nominees. The Framers wanted the Senate to be able to run criminal background checks on nominees. The Framers wanted the Senate to work closely with executive departments. The Framers wanted the Senate to work closely with executive departments. The Framers wanted the Senate to have complete control over executive departments. The Framers wanted the Senate to have complete control over executive departments. The Framers wanted the Senate to be able to check executive power.

The Framers wanted the Senate to be able to check executive power.

The Framers wanted the Senate to be able to check executive power.

The correct answer is: The Framers wanted the Senate to be able to check executive power.

When considering the creation of the United States government, the Founding Fathers, also known as the Framers of the Constitution, sought to establish a system of checks and balances to prevent the concentration of power in any one branch. One of the ways they designed this system was by giving the Senate the power of advice and consent.

This power allows the Senate to review and approve or reject various appointments and treaties made by the President, including nominations for executive positions, federal judgeships, and ambassadors. By giving the Senate this authority, the Framers intended to create a system where the executive branch's power is limited and balanced by the legislative branch.

Through the advice and consent process, the Senate can scrutinize the qualifications and character of nominees before they take up positions of power. This ensures that nominees are suitable for the responsibilities they will undertake and reduces the risk of any individual or group having full control over executive departments.

In summary, the Framers intended for the Senate to have the power of advice and consent to serve as a check on executive power, allowing for a system of checks and balances in the government.