Multiple Choice

A fermata tells the performer to
(1 point)

suddenly get louder in dynamic level.
suddenly get louder in dynamic level.

suddenly get softer in dynamic level.
suddenly get softer in dynamic level.

hold the note longer than its normal duration.
hold the note longer than its normal duration.

play the note shorter than its normal duration.
play the note shorter than its normal duration.

hold the note longer than its normal duration.

A fermata tells the performer to hold the note longer than its normal duration.

The correct answer is: hold the note longer than its normal duration.

When encountering a fermata in sheet music, it indicates that the performer should hold the note or rest longer than its indicated duration. The fermata is represented by a symbol resembling an eye located above the note or rest. It gives the performer the freedom to extend the length of the note or rest according to their interpretation. This can create a sense of prolongation or suspense in the music, allowing the performer to add their own expressive touch. So, in this case, the fermata instructs the performer to hold the note longer than its usual length.