Convert 126/19 to a mixed number.(1 point)


5 31/19

6 19/12

5 12/19

6 12/19

6 12/19

To convert the fraction 126/19 to a mixed number, you need to find the whole number and the remaining fraction.

Step 1: Divide the numerator (126) by the denominator (19).
126 ÷ 19 = 6 remainder 12

Step 2: The whole number part is the quotient obtained in the previous step, which is 6.

Step 3: The remaining fraction is the remainder (12) over the original denominator (19).

Therefore, the mixed number form of 126/19 is 6 12/19.

To convert the fraction 126/19 to a mixed number, follow these steps:

Step 1: Divide the numerator (126) by the denominator (19).
126 ÷ 19 = 6 remainder 12

Step 2: The quotient (the whole number part) is the whole number part of the mixed number, which is 6.

Step 3: The remainder (12) becomes the numerator for the fractional part of the mixed number.

Step 4: The denominator (19) remains the same for the fractional part.

Therefore, the mixed number equivalent of 126/19 is 6 12/19.