1 To insert clipart into a document what step should I take immediately after i find the clip art i want to insert

1 Use the scroll bars to view more choices of clip art
2 Click on the clip art image
3 click on the clip art button
4 Click the insert tab at the top of the screen

2 The best definition of a idiom is -----
a word or phrase that describes a noun
a word or phase decribing a verb
a phrase containing figurative language in which the word expresses a different idea from its exact meaning
a phrase that compares 2 unlike objects or ideas

To insert clip art into a document what step should I take immediately after I find the clip art I want to insert?
Use the scroll bars to view more choices of clip art
Click on the clip art image
click on the clip art button
Click the insert tab at the top of the screen

2 Click on the clip art image

2 The best definition of a idiom is -----

a word or phrase that describes a noun
a word or phase decribing a verb
a phrase containing figurative language in which the word expresses a different idea from its exact meaning
a phrase that compares 2 unlike objects or ideas

The best definition of an idiom is a phrase containing figurative language in which the word expresses a different idea from its exact meaning.

The correct answer is:

2 Click on the clip art image

The correct answer for question 1 is: 2) Click on the clip art image.

To insert clipart into a document, you should first find the clip art you want to insert. Once you have found the desired clip art, the immediate next step is to click on the clip art image itself. This is typically done by left-clicking on the image with your mouse. By clicking on the clip art image, you are selecting it for insertion into your document.

Answering question 2, the best definition of an idiom is: 3) A phrase containing figurative language in which the word expresses a different idea from its exact meaning.

An idiom is a phrase or expression that has a figurative meaning different from its literal interpretation. It often uses metaphorical or symbolic language to convey a particular concept or idea. Idioms are commonly used in everyday language to add color, emphasis, or cultural significance to communication.

Returning to question 3, the correct answer is: 2) Click on the clip art image.

This question is the same as the first one, and the correct step to take immediately after finding the clip art you want to insert is to click on the clip art image itself. This action selects the clip art for insertion into your document. Following this step, you can proceed with inserting the selected clip art into your desired location in the document.