I need help generating a comeback to this persons statement.

"I'm on board with that.

Need to find the right actors, though.

I would hate to see them shove Ben Aflleck or, worse yet, Dwayne Johnson, into a Dredd costume.

Urban and Thirlby had synergy and chemistry."

Specifically there use of the words synergy and chemistry, which I find lacking.

Well, I respect your opinion on casting choices, but I believe synergy and chemistry can be found in a variety of actors. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, after all.

To generate a comeback to this person's statement about the lack of synergy and chemistry in potential casting choices for a Dredd costume, you could respond with the following steps:

Step 1: Acknowledge their opinion
Start by acknowledging the person's viewpoint and their concern about the potential casting of Ben Affleck or Dwayne Johnson, indicating that you understand their perspective.

Step 2: Highlight the importance of actors' chemistry
Emphasize the significance of on-screen chemistry between actors, building a strong argument for the importance of casting choices that would enhance the overall synergy and chemistry in the movie.

Step 3: Suggest alternative casting options
Propose alternative actors who could potentially bring the desired synergy and chemistry to the Dredd character. Consider actors who have experience or showcased chemistry in previous roles similar to the Dredd character.

Step 4: Phrase your comeback
Finally, tie all the steps together to form your comeback. Here's a potential response:

"I understand your concerns about casting choices for the Dredd costume. Indeed, the presence of synergy and chemistry among the actors is paramount for a successful portrayal. Instead of Ben Affleck or Dwayne Johnson, perhaps considering actors like [Insert Alternative Actor 1] or [Insert Alternative Actor 2] could offer the necessary chemistry. We could aim for a cast that truly brings the desired synergy to the screen and does justice to the character."

Remember, the purpose of a comeback is to engage in a respectful discussion and present an alternative viewpoint, rather than attacking or dismissing the other person's opinion.

When it comes to crafting a comeback, it's important to respond with confidence and wit. In this case, you could consider the following response:

"Synergy and chemistry are indeed essential in casting decisions. However, let's not forget that the true art lies in taking risks. While it may be hard for some to envision, remember that great actors like Ben Affleck and Dwayne Johnson have surprised us in the past. Who knows, they might just bring a refreshing twist to the iconic Dredd character. After all, a little unpredictability can often lead to unexpected brilliance."

This comeback acknowledges the importance of synergy and chemistry while also defending the potential of actors like Ben Affleck and Dwayne Johnson. It suggests that taking risks in casting can sometimes lead to positive surprises and acts as a playful counterargument to the mentioned person's statement.