Give me french alphabet song

Sure! Here is the French alphabet song:

"A, B, C, D, E, F, G,
H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P,
Q, R, S, T, U, V,
W, X, Y, Z.

Maintenant je connais mon ABC,
Chante avec moi, viens t'amuser avec moi.
A², B², C², D², E², F², G²,
H², I², J², K², L², M², N², O², P²,
Q², R², S², T², U², V²,
W², X², Y², Z²."

(Note: In French, the names of the letters are pronounced differently than in English)

Certainly! Here is the French alphabet song:

- A comme Avion
- B comme Ballon
- C comme Chaton
- D comme Dauphin
- E comme Escargot
- F comme Flamant
- G comme Girafe
- H comme Hibou
- I comme Igloo
- J comme Jaguar
- K comme Koala
- L comme Lion
- M comme Mouton
- N comme Narval
- O comme Oiseau
- P comme Papillon
- Q comme Quenouille
- R comme Renard
- S comme Singe
- T comme Tortue
- U comme Unicycle
- V comme Vache
- W comme Wagon
- X comme Xylophone
- Y comme Yacht
- Z comme Zèbre

I hope you find this helpful!

Certainly! Here's a French alphabet song that you can use to learn the French alphabet:

To find the song, you can follow these steps:

1. Open a web browser on your device.
2. Go to a search engine, such as Google.
3. In the search bar, type "French alphabet song".
4. Press Enter or click on the search button.
5. From the search results, you will find various websites, videos, or audio recordings that provide the French alphabet song.
6. Choose the one you prefer based on the format (video or audio) and the source you trust.
7. Click on the link to access the song.

Remember, the French alphabet has the same letters as the English alphabet, but the pronunciation might be different. The song will help you memorize the letters in the correct order and pronounce them accurately in French. Enjoy learning the French alphabet!