

simpfly it

28 * 79 = 2212

To solve the expression "28 * 79", you need to multiply the two numbers together.

Step 1: Start by multiplying the ones place digit of 79 (which is 9) by 28.

x 79
252 ← This is the partial product for the ones place digit.

Step 2: Now, multiply the tens place digit of 79 (which is 7) by 28.

x 79
252 ← This is the partial product for the tens place digit.
+2240 ← This is the partial product for the hundreds place digit.

Step 3: Add the two partial products together to find the final product.

x 79
2212 ← This is the final product of 28 multiplied by 79.

Therefore, 28 multiplied by 79 equals 2212.

It seems like you have given me two numbers, 28 and x79. However, it's not clear what you would like me to do with these numbers. Could you please clarify your question or provide more information?