How does Franek manipulate Elie into giving him his gold crown?

He threatens to beat and torture Elie.
He tells Elie he will see his mother and sister again if he gives up the tooth.
He takes away Elie’s bread and soup until he agrees to give up the tooth.
He harasses and beats Elie’s father each day until Elie gives in.

The correct answer is c) He takes away Elie’s bread and soup until he agrees to give up the tooth.

The correct answer is b. Franek tells Elie he will see his mother and sister again if he gives up the tooth.

To determine how Franek manipulates Elie into giving him his gold crown, we can refer to the book or source material that describes this interaction. In this case, we are referring to Elie Wiesel's memoir, "Night." In Chapter 4, Elie Wiesel writes about his experiences in the concentration camp and describes how Franek, a foreman overseeing the prisoners, manipulates him into giving up his gold crown.

According to the memoir, Franek notices that Elie has a gold crown on one of his teeth and decides he wants it. Franek uses a combination of threat and manipulation to persuade Elie. The correct answer is:

a) He threatens to beat and torture Elie.

Franek realizes that Elie has a fear of physical pain and uses this knowledge to his advantage. He threatens Elie with physical harm and torture, instilling fear in him. The threats of violence, along with the harsh conditions of the concentration camp, force Elie to comply with Franek's demands and give up his gold crown.

So, in this case, the correct answer is option a) He threatens to beat and torture Elie.