match the group of people to their motivation for moving west

find gold, send cattle back east, capture cattle, settle land and improve it

ranchers - send cattle back east, capture cattle

farmers - settle land and improve it
miners - find gold
cowboys - capture cattle

Ranchers - Motivation: Capture cattle

Farmers - Motivation: Settle land and improve it

Miners - Motivation: Find gold

Cowboys - Motivation: Send cattle back east

To match the group of people to their motivation for moving west, we need to understand the different motivations of ranchers, farmers, miners, and cowboys.

1. Ranchers: Ranchers are individuals who raise and tend to livestock, particularly cattle. Their motivation for moving west was primarily to find better grazing lands and open spaces for their cattle. They were looking for areas with abundant grass and water sources to support their herds.

2. Farmers: Farmers were driven by the desire to settle and cultivate land for agricultural purposes. They sought fertile soil and suitable growing conditions to establish farms and grow crops. Their motivation for moving west was to establish a new life by cultivating the land and creating sustainable farming communities.

3. Miners: Miners were attracted to the western territories in search of valuable minerals, especially gold and silver. They were motivated by the potential for striking it rich and finding precious resources that would bring them wealth and prosperity. Their main goal was to mine the mineral deposits and extract valuable resources from the land.

4. Cowboys: Cowboys were primarily individuals involved in the cattle industry, responsible for herding and driving the livestock. Their motivation for moving west was to capture and drive cattle to markets in the eastern part of the country, where the demand and prices for beef were higher. They often embarked on long cattle drives to transport the animals to distant markets.

In summary:
- Ranchers moved west to find better grazing lands for their cattle.
- Farmers moved west to settle and cultivate the land for agricultural purposes.
- Miners moved west to search for valuable minerals, especially gold and silver.
- Cowboys moved west to capture and drive cattle to the eastern markets.

By understanding the motivations of each group, we can correctly match the group of people to their specific reasons for moving west.