What have gamers had enough of in the story reality is broken

In the book "Reality is Broken" by Jane McGonigal, gamers are portrayed as individuals who are dissatisfied with reality and find solace and fulfillment in the immersive world of video games. While the book addresses various aspects of gaming and player satisfaction, here are some things that gamers might have had enough of:

1. Lack of agency in real life: Gamers often enjoy having a sense of control and agency within the game world, where their actions directly impact the outcomes. In reality, however, they may feel limited by external factors and lack the same level of control over their lives.

2. Mundane and monotonous tasks: Many gamers appreciate engaging in challenging and exciting quests or missions in video games. The repetitive and mundane nature of certain real-life tasks can leave them feeling unfulfilled and bored.

3. Lack of clear goals and progress tracking: Video games often provide a clear sense of purpose through objectives, quests, and achievements. In reality, it might be difficult for gamers to define clear goals and track their progress, leading to a sense of aimlessness and frustration.

4. Limited social interactions: Multiplayer online games allow gamers to connect and collaborate with others around the world. In contrast, they might feel isolated or find it challenging to establish meaningful connections in real-life social settings.

5. Inadequate rewards and recognition: Gamers are often rewarded for their accomplishments in games, either through in-game rewards or recognition from other players. They may find it disheartening when their efforts and achievements in real life go unnoticed or lack tangible rewards.

It is important to note that these frustrations are not universal to all gamers, and the book explores the potential positive impact of gaming in various aspects of life.

In "Reality is Broken" by Jane McGonigal, the author discusses several aspects of traditional video games that gamers have started to grow tired of. Here are a few of them:

1. Repetitive Tasks: Gamers often get weary of performing the same actions or completing repetitive tasks over and over again. This can make the gameplay feel monotonous and uninteresting.

2. Lack of Meaningful Challenges: Gamers crave meaningful challenges that test their skills and engage them intellectually. They want to feel a sense of accomplishment when overcoming difficult obstacles, rather than breezing through the game without much effort.

3. Linear Narrative Structures: Traditional video games often follow a linear narrative structure that restricts player choice and agency. Gamers are increasingly seeking more open-world experiences where they have the freedom to explore and shape the story according to their decisions and actions.

4. Lack of Connection to Real World Issues: Some gamers feel disconnected from real-world problems when playing video games. They desire games that tackle meaningful issues and provide opportunities for them to make a positive impact through virtual actions.

5. Unrewarding Gameplay: Gamers often grow frustrated with games that fail to provide satisfying rewards or incentives for their efforts. They want to feel a sense of progress, unlock new abilities, earn meaningful achievements, and receive recognition for their accomplishments.

It is important to note that these opinions may vary among different gamers, and not everyone may share the same perspective on what they have had enough of in video game narratives.

To answer this question, let's first understand what the book "Reality is Broken" by Jane McGonigal is about. In the book, McGonigal explores the concept of gaming and how it can provide solutions to real-world problems.

Now, if we are referring to what gamers have had enough of based on their experience with gaming, a common complaint is repetitive and uninspiring narratives. Gamers often desire compelling and immersive stories that captivate their attention. Some gamers may feel dissatisfied with predictable plotlines, shallow character development, or lackluster world-building.

To find specific examples of what gamers have had enough of, you could look into gaming forums, online communities, or reviews. These sources often provide valuable insights from gamers themselves. Additionally, reading interviews or articles featuring game developers and their responses to player feedback can also shed light on common grievances.

Remember, the experience of gamers can vary widely, and individual preferences may differ. It's important to consider multiple perspectives and take into account that what one person is tired of, another might enjoy.