Which of the following describes relevant information? (1 point)

A. Information that is unrelated to the central idea

B. Information that states the central idea

C. Information that is meant to grab the reader's attention

D. Information that clearly supports a specific central idea

D. Information that clearly supports a specific central idea

The correct answer is D. Information that clearly supports a specific central idea.

To find the answer to this question, you need to understand the concept of "relevant information." Relevant information can be defined as information that is directly related to or supports a specific central idea.

Now, let's examine the options given:

A. Information that is unrelated to the central idea: This option states that relevant information is unrelated to the central idea, which is incorrect. Relevant information is directly related to the central idea, so this option can be eliminated.

B. Information that states the central idea: This option states that relevant information is the one that directly states the central idea. While this information may be important, it does not necessarily encompass all relevant information. Therefore, this option is not entirely accurate.

C. Information that is meant to grab the reader's attention: This option refers to information that is meant to grab the reader's attention, but it does not specifically address whether it is relevant. It is possible for information to grab the reader's attention but not be directly related to the central idea. Therefore, this option is not the best choice.

D. Information that clearly supports a specific central idea: This option accurately describes relevant information. Relevant information should clearly support a specific central idea. It provides evidence, examples, or arguments that directly contribute to the central idea. Therefore, this option is the most appropriate choice.

To summarize, the option that best describes relevant information is D. It is the information that clearly supports a specific central idea.