Rewrite 5 − 6 using the additive inverse and display the new expression on a number line.


The new expressions using the additive inverse are as follows:


The corresponding number line would be:

-1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

To rewrite 5 − 6 using the additive inverse, we can change the subtraction to addition and flip the sign of the second number.

The new expression can be written as 5 + (-6).

To represent this expression on a number line, start at 5 and move six units to the left since the negative sign indicates subtraction. The final point should be -1.

To rewrite 5 − 6 using the additive inverse, we need to change the subtraction to addition and change the sign of the second term.

The additive inverse of 6 is -6, so we change the subtraction symbol to addition and write -6 instead of 6.

The new expression would be 5 + (-6).

To display this on a number line, we start at 5 and move 6 units in the negative direction because of the -6. So, on the number line, we would have a point at 5 and another point 6 units to the left of 5.