In which example do the particles in water have the most kinetic energy?

A. a heated swimming pool
B. steam rising a kettle
C. a cube of ice
D. a glass of refrigerated water

B. steam rising from a kettle

Which option defines kinetic energy?

A. the energy required to change a gas into liquid
B. the energy an object has because of its motion
C. the average energy of particles due to motion
D. the average energy released when a liquid become a solid

B. the energy an object has because of its motion

Which list correctly orders the states of matter from least to most kinetic energy?

gas, liquid, solid
solid, liquid, gas
liquid, solid, gas
liquid, gas, solid

solid, liquid, gas

The particles in water have the most kinetic energy in option B, which is steam rising from a kettle. In this example, the water is being heated, causing the particles to gain more energy and move faster. As a result, the water turns into steam, and the particles have the highest amount of kinetic energy.

To determine which example has the most kinetic energy for the particles in water, we need to understand that kinetic energy is the energy possessed by an object due to its motion. The kinetic energy of the particles in a substance is directly related to their temperature and the speed at which they are moving.

Let's evaluate each option:

A. A heated swimming pool: In a heated swimming pool, the water has been warmed, and consequently, the particles are moving faster compared to colder water. This increased motion leads to higher kinetic energy.

B. Steam rising from a kettle: When water boils and turns into steam, the particles gain a significant amount of energy, resulting in an increased speed of movement. This high-speed movement results in greater kinetic energy.

C. A cube of ice: In the case of a cube of ice, the temperature is low, and the particles have relatively less energy. Ice particles are essentially locked in a rigid structure, limiting their movement and hence their kinetic energy.

D. A glass of refrigerated water: Refrigerated water is kept at a lower temperature, causing the particles to have less energy. Consequently, the movement of the particles is slower, meaning they have less kinetic energy compared to warmer water.

Therefore, considering the options, the example with the most kinetic energy for water particles would be B. steam rising from a kettle, as the particles have the highest speed and temperature in this state, leading to a greater amount of kinetic energy.