In 1–2 sentences, explain how viewpoints in Europe changed during the Scientific Revolution.(2 points)

During the Scientific Revolution, there was a shift from relying on traditional authorities and superstition towards empirical observation and experimentation, leading to a more rational and evidence-based approach to understanding the natural world.

you were wrong

I apologize if my response was not what you were looking for. Could you please provide more context or clarification for your question so that I can try to give a more accurate answer?

During the Scientific Revolution, there was a shift from relying on traditional beliefs and religious authority to embracing observation, experimentation, and empirical evidence as the basis for understanding the natural world, leading to a revolution in scientific thinking and the birth of modern science.

During the Scientific Revolution, viewpoints in Europe shifted from relying on ancient authorities and traditional beliefs to valuing empirical evidence and scientific reasoning as the primary means for understanding the natural world and seeking knowledge.

To understand how viewpoints in Europe changed during the Scientific Revolution, one can look towards historical accounts, primary source documents, and scholarly articles that discuss the impact of key figures such as Copernicus, Galileo, and Newton, as well as the overall cultural and intellectual shifts of the time. These sources can provide insights into the influence of discoveries, experiments, and advancements in fields like astronomy, physics, and biology, which contributed to the changing perspectives and attitudes towards science and knowledge.