In the following scenario, fill in the blanks with one of the following options: stop growing, grow normally, or grow faster than.

A scientist is studying the effects of growth hormone in vertebrates. This hormone promotes protein synthesis and growth in tissues throughout the body. The scientist decides to use mice that have been genetically engineered to overproduce growth hormone. Using the mice, the scientist aims to test the effectiveness of a new drug intended to block the hormone's receptors, preventing it from interacting with target cells. If the drug works, the scientist expects that her experimental treatment group will
blank1 - Word Answer

Please type your answer to submit
, while her positive control, mice treated with a known GH receptor inhibitor, will
blank2 - Word Answer

. Her no treatment control will
blank3 - Word Answer

blank1 - stop growing

blank2 - grow normally
blank3 - grow normally

blank1 - grow faster than

blank2 - stop growing
blank3 - grow normally

In the given scenario, to fill in the blanks, we need to understand the effects of growth hormone on the mice being studied.

1. For blank1: The scientist expects that the experimental treatment group, which includes mice genetically engineered to overproduce growth hormone and treated with the new drug to block its receptors, will "stop growing." This is because the drug is intended to block the hormone's interaction with target cells, inhibiting its effects on protein synthesis and growth.

2. For blank2: The positive control group consists of mice that are treated with a known GH receptor inhibitor, which means the inhibitor is already known to block the hormone's effects. Therefore, the positive control group mice will also "stop growing."

3. For blank3: The no treatment control group refers to mice that do not receive any experimental treatment or inhibitor. In this case, since they have not been modified or treated, they will "grow normally." This means that their growth will not be affected by the manipulation of the growth hormone or its receptors.

So, the completed answers would be:
- blank1: stop growing
- blank2: stop growing
- blank3: grow normally.