fill in the blank _______________ – the perception of the author that influences the creation of a source. (Tells a story from the author's perspective.)

Subjectivity - the perception of the author that influences the creation of a source. (Tells a story from the author's perspective.)

The blank should be filled with the word "Subjectivity."

Subjectivity refers to the personal viewpoint or bias of the author that shapes the creation of a source. It often involves the author's emotions, experiences, beliefs, or opinions, which can impact the way they present information and construct their narrative. Subjectivity is important to consider when evaluating sources, as it can influence the overall perspective and reliability of the information provided.

The blank can be filled with the word "subjectivity."

Subjectivity – the perception of the author that influences the creation of a source. (Tells a story from the author's perspective.)

To arrive at this answer, we can break down the question and identify the key information. We need to find a term that refers to the author's perception that shapes the creation of their source and presents a story from their point of view.

One approach to finding the answer is to examine the context and meaning of the sentence. The phrase "Tells a story from the author's perspective" implies that we are looking for a concept related to how the author's subjective view informs the content they produce.

By considering this context, we can identify that the missing word should address the idea of the author's perception or subjectivity affecting their work. Therefore, the appropriate term to fill in the blank is "subjectivity."