getting the goods and services that you want by offering a diffrent good or service (not money) as pay is called

The term for getting goods and services by offering a different good or service as payment (rather than using money) is called bartering. In a barter system, individuals or businesses trade their goods or services directly with each other without involving money.

Getting the goods and services that you want by offering a different good or service as payment is known as bartering.

Here's how you can engage in a bartering transaction:

1. Identify what you have to offer: Take stock of the goods or services you have available to trade. These can range from physical items like electronics or clothing to intangible services like graphic design or tutoring.

2. Determine what you need: Figure out the specific goods or services you want in exchange for what you have. Identify potential trading partners or platforms where you can find individuals interested in bartering.

3. Find a bartering partner: Connect with others who are interested in bartering. You can explore local bartering groups, online forums, social media platforms, or specialized bartering websites to find potential partners.

4. Negotiate the terms: Once you've found a potential trading partner, discuss and agree upon the terms of the barter arrangement. Clarify what item or service you are offering and what you expect in return. Make sure both parties are satisfied with the exchange.

5. Complete the transaction: Once the terms have been agreed upon, proceed with the barter. Exchange the goods or services as per the agreement. It is advisable to document the transaction details to avoid any misunderstandings in the future.

Remember that bartering relies on mutual agreement and perceived value between both parties. It can be a useful way to obtain desired goods or services without using traditional currency.

The term you are looking for is "bartering." Bartering is the act of exchanging goods or services directly with others without involving money. Instead of purchasing an item or service using cash, bartering involves trading something you have or can provide in exchange for something you want or need. Bartering has been practiced for thousands of years and can be a useful way to obtain desired goods or services without using money.