Patrice has no family history of diseases. Based on her history, what is her doctor MOST likely to tell Patrice? (1 point) Responses

She should get regular health screenings.

She can avoid all health screenings.

She should visit a psychiatrist regularly.

She can avoid all vaccines.

She should get regular health screenings.

I feel pins and needles in my legs.

He could possibly get cancer.

Cody will have a higher likelihood of heart disease than everyone else.

These are chronic conditions.


Huntington's disease

She inhaled droplets from a nearby stranger’s cough.

I apologize for the previous incorrect responses. Here are the corrected answers:

11. diabetes is the ailment that Caesar will most likely be able to avoid thanks to his vaccinations.
12. We did not discuss this question, so there was no answer given.
13. Anna most likely contracted poliovirus because she didn't thoroughly wash her hands after using the restroom.

You're welcome! I apologize for any confusion caused by the incorrect answers. If you have any more questions or need further assistance, feel free to ask.