
Caesar’s plan to avoid illness is to keep all of his
vaccinations up to date. Which ailment will he MOST
likely be able to avoid thanks to his vaccinations?
(1 point)
sickle cell disease

Caesar will most likely be able to avoid poliovirus thanks to his vaccinations.

what is the answer

The answer is poliovirus. Caesar's vaccinations will most likely help him avoid contracting the poliovirus.

After being diagnosed with poliovirus, Dani experienced

paresthesia. Which complaint MOST likely accompanied
this specific symptom?
(1 point)
I cannot move my legs.
I cannot feel anything in my legs.
I feel pins and needles in my legs.
I feel extreme heat in my legs.

The complaint that most likely accompanied paresthesia in Dani's case is "I feel pins and needles in my legs."

Helena is supposed to write a report on a communicable

disease. What is the MOST appropriate topic for her to
(1 point)
cystic fibrosis
Hepatitis C

The most appropriate topic for Helena to choose for her report on a communicable disease would be Hepatitis C.