
What makes a graph proportional?

Curved line

Straight line

Passes through (0,0)

The correct answer is a straight line.

A graph is said to be proportional when it forms a straight line. In a proportional graph, the relationship between the variables is consistent, and as one variable increases, the other also increases or decreases at a constant rate. Additionally, a proportional graph passes through the origin, which means it goes through the point (0,0) on the coordinate plane. Therefore, the correct answer is:

Straight line and Passes through (0,0)

A graph is considered proportional if it shows a straight line that passes through the origin (0,0). This means that as the value of one variable increases, the value of the other variable also increases at a constant rate. To determine if a graph is proportional, you can follow these steps:

1. Look at the pattern: Examine the relationship between the two variables represented on the graph. Determine if there is a consistent pattern or if the values change in a predictable way.

2. Check for a straight line: If the graph shows a straight line, it generally indicates a proportional relationship. A curved line would typically represent a nonlinear relationship and not indicate proportionality.

3. Verify passing through (0,0): Identify if the line passes through the origin, which is the point (0,0) on the coordinate plane. If the line does not pass through this point, it is not proportional.

By analyzing the graph based on these criteria, you can determine whether or not it represents a proportional relationship.