Rachel can type 42 words in 7 minutes.

What is her rate in words per minute?

To find the rate in words per minute, divide the number of words by the number of minutes:

42 words / 7 minutes = <<42/7=6>>6 words per minute. Answer: \boxed{6}.

To find Rachel's rate in words per minute, you can divide the number of words she can type by the number of minutes it takes her.

Rate = Number of words / Number of minutes

In this case, Rachel can type 42 words in 7 minutes.

Rate = 42 words / 7 minutes = 6 words per minute.

Therefore, Rachel's rate of typing is 6 words per minute.

To find Rachel's rate in words per minute, divide the number of words she can type by the number of minutes it takes her. In this case, Rachel can type 42 words in 7 minutes, so her rate would be:

Rate in words per minute = Number of words / Number of minutes

Rate in words per minute = 42 words / 7 minutes

Simplifying the expression, we have:

Rate in words per minute = 6 words / 1 minute

Therefore, Rachel's rate is 6 words per minute.