Divisor: 3.5

Dividend: 38
Quotient: 10.857

Write an explanation of how you created the problem to meet all of the
conditions, using correct math vocabulary.

To create the problem with a divisor of 3.5, dividend of 38, and a quotient of 10.857, I followed the formula for division: dividend ÷ divisor = quotient.

First, I chose a dividend of 38. This is the number being divided.

Then, I selected a divisor of 3.5. This is the number we will divide the dividend by.

Finally, I performed the division operation by dividing the dividend of 38 by the divisor of 3.5. The quotient I obtained was 10.857.

Therefore, by choosing the appropriate numbers for the dividend and divisor and performing the division calculation correctly, I was able to create the problem that meets all the given conditions.

To create a problem with a divisor of 3.5, dividend of 38, and a quotient of 10.857, we need to follow the correct mathematical process. First, we can calculate the quotient by dividing the dividend by the divisor. Dividing 38 by 3.5 will give us a quotient of approximately 10.857.

To ensure that the quotient remains accurate to three decimal places, we can adjust the dividend and divisor accordingly. We can multiply both the dividend and divisor by 1000 to avoid decimal places in the final answer.

So, by multiplying both 38 and 3.5 by 1000, we get a new dividend of 38000 and a new divisor of 3500.

Now, we can divide the new dividend of 38000 by the new divisor of 3500. The result will be the same as before, 10.857.

Therefore, by adjusting the dividend and divisor to remove decimal places and correctly calculating the division, we can create a problem with a divisor of 3.5, a dividend of 38, and a quotient of 10.857.

To create a problem that meets all the given conditions with correct math vocabulary, we have a divisor of 3.5, a dividend of 38, and a quotient of 10.857.

First, let's understand the terminology used:
- Divisor: The number by which the dividend is divided.
- Dividend: The number that is being divided.
- Quotient: The result or answer we get when we divide the dividend by the divisor.

We can create this problem by multiplying the divisor by the quotient to obtain the dividend.

To calculate the dividend, we use the formula: dividend = divisor * quotient.

In this case:
dividend = 3.5 * 10.857 = 38. [Note: Due to rounding, the product may not be exactly 38.]

So, to create the problem with a divisor of 3.5, a dividend of 38, and a quotient of 10.857, we multiply the divisor (3.5) by the quotient (10.857) to get the dividend (38).