I won’t touch it he said sullenly

The person said this in a gloomy or moody tone, indicating their refusal to interact with or handle whatever was being referred to.

Which is the cause of the sun’s magnetic properties

The cause of the sun's magnetic properties can be attributed to its rotating and convective nature. The sun has a predominantly fluid interior, with charged particles undergoing convective motions. These motions generate electric currents, which in turn create a magnetic field. The rotation of the sun amplifies this magnetic field, leading to its magnetic properties.

The sentence "I won't touch it," he said sullenly, can be broken down into the following steps:

1. "I won't touch it": This is the direct quotation, indicating that the speaker is refusing to touch something.
2. "He said": This is an attribution phrase, indicating that someone other than the speaker said the words.
3. "Sullenly": This is an adverb describing how the speaker said the words, suggesting they were grumpy or unhappy.
4. Putting it all together: The speaker, in a sullen manner, said that they would not touch the object in question.

Please note that if you have any specific questions or concerns about this sentence, feel free to ask for additional information.

The phrase "I won't touch it," is a statement made by someone who refuses to engage or interact with something. The word "sullenly" describes the manner in which this statement is said, suggesting that the speaker is feeling gloomy, resentful, or withdrawn.

To understand the meaning of this statement, it is important to look at the context in which it was said. The speaker's tone, in this case, is sullen, which suggests that they are likely expressing reluctance, displeasure, or even anger towards whatever "it" refers to. It could be an object, a situation, or an activity that the speaker is refusing to engage with or participate in.

Without further context, it is hard to determine the exact reason why the speaker is refusing to touch "it." However, based on their sullen tone, it is possible that they have negative feelings or are unwilling to be involved for personal reasons.