the border between canada and the united states was established by presdient james polk in 1846 when great britian and the united states reached an agreement dividing the land at the 49ht parallel

true or flase


The border between Canada and the United States was established by the Treaty of Paris in 1783, which ended the American Revolutionary War. This treaty defined the boundary between the newly formed United States and British North America (which later became Canada) along the 49th parallel from the Lake of the Woods to the Rocky Mountains.

False. The statement is incorrect. The border between Canada and the United States was not established by President James Polk in 1846 at the 49th parallel. The initial agreement to establish the border was made in 1818 with the signing of the Anglo-American Convention, also known as the Convention of 1818. This agreement established the 49th parallel as the boundary from the Lake of the Woods to the Rocky Mountains. The final determination of the border along the 49th parallel all the way to the Pacific Ocean was made with the signing of the Oregon Treaty in 1846, not by President James Polk alone, but through negotiations between the United States and Great Britain.

False. The statement you provided is incorrect. The border between Canada and the United States was actually established through the signing of the Treaty of Paris in 1783, which ended the American Revolutionary War. This treaty defined the boundary between the newly formed United States and the British territories in North America. The division was not determined by President James Polk in 1846, but rather by the treaty signed many years earlier. The Treaty of Paris outlined the border as the 49th parallel from the Lake of the Woods to the Rocky Mountains, and then extended along the middle of the Rockies until the Pacific Ocean.